The Mountain House Stallions is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, affiliated with Royal Kings Club. Our mission to promote growth, teamwork and challenge our youth through athletics and performing arts. Our youth programs focus on children in grades K-8 in the greater Mountain House community and are available to all, regardless of experience or ability.
Our Executive Leadership Team
Learning. Growth. Community.
(Click on the names below to email)
Director at Large - Derik Q
Apparel Director - Penny C
Sponsorship Director - Lucy F
Concessions Director - Abi D
Compliance Director - Rachel M
Finance Director - OPEN
Volunteer Director - OPEN
Events Director - OPEN
General Board Member - OPEN
Mountain House Youth Football & Cheer League (MH Stallions) exists exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501[c] 3 of The United States revenue code. Mountain House Stallions shall remain non profit, non commercial, non partisan, and secular, in nature. The Mountain House Stallions is not sponsored by the Lammersville Unified School District, Lammersville Unified School District Elementary Schools or Mountain House High School.